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Acceleration: Constant, With Initial Velocity

Problem #: 2
Variant #: 4

To pass a slow vehicle within the length of the passing lane, Sam got up well over the speed limit. He then spotted a police cruiser coming around the corner and hit the brakes. If his decelleration was 4.552 m/s2, and it took him 1.8 seconds to get back to 100 km/h, what speed had he reached before spotting the police?


Get Another Acceleration with Inititial Velocity Question

Try a Minitest: 6 problems of this type

NOTE: While these problems are made by a former University Physics professor and are seen thousands of times a week, it is possible that there are typo's or other errors that nobody has yet reported to be fixed. If you are convinced that there is a problem with the solution to this question please send the details to doug@dctech.com