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    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 58.93 lb and is at an angle of 62.7o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 40.6o with respect to the ceiling?


    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 44.96 lb and is at an angle of 77.4o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 19.4o with respect to the ceiling?


    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 26.11 lb and is at an angle of 30.9o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 42.1o with respect to the ceiling?


    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 23.42 lb and is at an angle of 42.4o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 41.8o with respect to the ceiling?


    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 11.14 lb and is at an angle of 34o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 44.7o with respect to the ceiling?


    A light hangs from two cables. One cable has a tension of 28.41 lb and is at an angle of 9o with respect to the ceiling. What is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 14.6o with respect to the ceiling?
