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    A 1276 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (55 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 25.9 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?


    A 907 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (50 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 8.6 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?


    A 1273 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (60 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 6 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?


    A 862 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (70 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 23.6 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?


    A 1272 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (50 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 13.8 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?


    A 844 kg vehicle traveling at the speed limit (70 mph) spots an accident after coming around a corner, hits the brakes, and manages to stop just before it would have hit. If the car had been speeding by 5.5 mph, how fast would it have been going when it hit the existing accident?
