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    A skateboarder starts from rest at the top of a 0.1051 m high ramp inclined at 6o from horizontal. 5.855 s after leaving the ramp, how far is he from the base?


    A skateboarder starts from rest at the top of a 1.2 m high ramp inclined at 33.7o from horizontal. How much time does it take her from when she starts until she has traveled 1.7 m from the base of the ramp?


    1.154 s after leaving the bottom of a 27.9o ramp a skateboarder is 4.4 m away from it. How high is the ramp?


    A skateboarder starts from rest at the top of a 0.3894 m high ramp inclined at 23.4o from horizontal. How much time does it take her from when she starts until she has traveled 4.7 m from the base of the ramp?


    6.549 s after leaving the bottom of a 13.9o ramp a skateboarder is 12.9 m away from it. How high is the ramp?


    A skateboarder starts from rest at the top of a 0.4364 m high ramp inclined at 14.4o from horizontal. 2.872 s after leaving the ramp, how far is he from the base?
