Custom Search

Word Finder

To use this app, enter what you know into the letters input field then press enter or tab/click out of the field. Substitute characters you do not know with periods. For example, "h..k" finds 4 character words starting with "h" and ending with "k".
The reason for periods instead of spaces for unknown characters is because the app tests your input as a regular expression(regex), and in regexes periods are unknown characters.
Regexes have other useful functionality. For example, "c.[tb]" finds 3 letter words starting with "c" and ending with either "t" or "b". More information can be found at
For people familiar with regexes, don't add "^" and "$", this is done automatically.
Word list from the ENABLE word list.
To search for a word's definition, type or copy/paste it into the custom Google search at the top of the page.
This can be used to help with various word puzzles and games including crosswords, Scrabble™, hangman and word polygon.
Blank fields will be ignored.