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How much time does it take a power drill accelerating at 389.2 rad/s2 to achieve 5910 rotations per minute?
How much time does it take a power drill accelerating at 391 rad/s2 to achieve 6349 rotations per minute?
A power drill reaches 9248 rpm in 0.5 seconds. What is the angular acceleration?
As a car accelerates its tires increase their angular velocity from 74 rad/s with an angular of acceleration of 15 rad/s2. After 0.8 seconds what is the angular velocity the tires?
How many rotations per minute does a power drill reach after 1.58 seconds if it is accelerating at a rate of 363.2 rad/s2?
How many rotations per minute does a power drill reach after 0.83 seconds if it is accelerating at a rate of 666.9 rad/s2?